Friday, October 4, 2019

Teaching Swallowing to Dysphagia Patients Research Paper

Teaching Swallowing to Dysphagia Patients - Research Paper Example Patient also experiences slothfulness when eating, or â€Å"pocketing† of food, and as such, takes various swallows in a lone mouthful of food; otherwise, there is an impediment in swallowing reaction or grasping food in mouth. Furthermore, she has impaired swallowing, with a history of tubing feeding, as evidenced by her dysphagia diet, a 1:1 feed and nectar liquids with no straw. In terms of cardiovascular assessment, pedal pulse is present with palpitation. Her Capillary Refill reveals a Blood return of > 3 sec. Her gastrointestinal assessment reveals weight loss within the past six months. Besides, she has undergone surgical procedures on her left hip replacement, right hip pinning after a fracture; she has a history of left rotator cuff repair and venous ligation in the past. Chest X-ray indicates diminished atelectasis, with aerated left upper lobe, and continued left lower lobe atelectasis/pleural effusion. Patient upper extremities indicate both hands swelling, while h er lower extremities reveal legs swelling, with unsteady balance/gait, and she has slightly impaired vision. Her activity/exercise pattern entails use of assistance device, wheelchair, and she needs total help with ADL's and meals. She also has a foley, which is incontinent of bowel, thus she needs assistance to transfer from bed to chair. She has all meals served to her with 1:1 feed approach. The patient also has impaired skin integrity, physical immobilization, as evidenced by destruction of skin layers, as well as being on coccyx area. Her cognitive/perceptual pattern reveals impaired self awareness due to frontal lobe injuries which may result in emotional and behavior variables. The patient short term memory assessment indicates that she remembers few things but has lost short term memory overall. Her long-term memory reveals that she recalled some events from the past. The patient has limited knowledge of her current situation. The patient experiences depression, which can be attributed to cognitive deficits, fatigue and difficulty with managing her eating frustration. She is alert to people around her, even her speech is clear. Moreover, the patient experiences imperfect controls of her impulses; hence, she feels tired all the time and sleeps all day and all night. Her impulsivity has led to social isolation from some of her immediate family members and friends. Her coping and stress tolerance has been aided by good friends, and her five children who come to visit her when they can. Health Management Patient perception of overall health reveals that she is good, and even though she has limited knowledge of her current situation, she understands her health care needs and she is going to be discharged to JML She is adaptive in terms of coping and stress tolerance through prayers, support from family. However, she is maladaptive since she has no effort to get better. Patient has also learned to accept physical changes related to her age. Patient status of values and beliefs patterns is based on her Catholicism, and she values respect as the key for a good relationship. Teaching and Learning Theory Behaviorism learning theory is based on the proposal that behavior can be explored scientifically devoid of recourse to the learner’s internal mental states (Nielsen, 2009). Thus, it is a structure of materialism, with no independent connotation for mind. The Behaviorist

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